What is a Chad?
A Chad is ‘manosphere’ slang for a sexually active male. The term originated in Chicago and originally referred in a derogatory way to a young urban American man, typically single and in his twenties or early thirties. A Chad typically lives in the affluent North Shore suburbs of Chicago, but the term and these sexually active males have spread across the country.
Most Chads have business degrees from Big Ten Universities, belong to a Frat and eventually marry a Trixie and settle down in the suburbs.
What Does a Chad Do?
Lift weights. A Chad is strong. NO EXCEPTIONS!
Chads don’t marry. The family court system is set to siphon your money and hold you hostage for 18 years. Marriage is a Scam!
Chads have options. This means you don’t spend 6 months obsessing over some girl you aren’t even sleeping with. If she’s not putting out, no reason to be exclusive. Trust me. Women do this too. Check out this guide for How to Get a Girlfriend
Chad lives an exciting and fun life. Kayaking, jet skis, skiing.
He doesn’t obsess over social media
He doesn’t watch TV unless the Cubbies are on at the bar
A Chad doesn’t apologize. He is more interested in moving on than dwelling on the past.
Chad eats meat off the bones. Men are meant to eat meat, not soy. No beyond meat!
C.H.A.D. her - Call Her After Dark to maintain the causal fling and avoid the dreaded LTR
Don’t worry about what people think about him
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