Marriage is A Scam
There is no legitimate reason for an alpha male to ever let a woman control his destiny in life by giving up his freedom for marriage.
Picture this. You’re working hard every day to build up your wealth. You have a sweet sports car or maybe a bike. You pour yourself a gin-a-tonic while overlooking the city skyline from your bachelor pad.
You wake up on the weekend to do whatever you want. Play games. Ride your bike. Visit a friend in Chicago. You’re free to live life to the fullest. So why give up all that by letting a ball and chain dictate what you’ll do.
For sex? You don’t need marriage to get sex. You’ll have much better options by getting in shape, Living an exciting life and carrying a debonair attitude.
The real question is this: Would you rather buy a pack of Skittles for $1.49 or Wedding Flowers for $15,000?
Marriage is designed to keep men too broke to be able to ever have a chance pursuing another woman.
There is nothing your woman fears more than some hotter and younger woman swooping her man. And as she gets older (and god forbid fatter!) this fear becomes more rational.
Just look at the freakin rings — girls get one worth thousands and a dude gets like $100 junk like Tungsten or Wood.
And you won’t be getting that money back in a divorce. Yeah it’s a gift so the love of your life will be pawning off those 3 months of income you spent on a “girls best friend.” Funny how that works right? Divorce court seems systematically designed to siphon wealth off the dude.
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So why get married?
If you have any reasonable amount of wealth or money, you’d be a fool to get married.
The current system is designed to trick men into giving up their freedom because they believe women are sweet innocent princesses worth fighting over.
You’ve been conditioned to believe this from movies, women and other media.
There is a reason to get married. To settle down. To take the easy path. You’ll supposedly get a steady stream of sex, but is it really worth it? Is it passion? Is it exciting? How long will the honeymoon phase last before you’re deciding which chain restaurant to eat at while you both stare mindlessly at your phones.
Get a white picket fence with a 30 year mortgage that likely will last longer than your marriage. You have a couple kids. You trust that they’re yours, but you make child support payments regardless of paternity You get fatter every year and respect yourself a little less each day.
If you want the easy life, get married. And if she cheats, if she stops working, if she bitches at you for trying to live your own life, remember you’re in this til death do you part…. or a very costly divorce that may bankrupt you or even leave you homeless.