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What is a Chad?

A Chad is ‘manosphere’ slang for a sexually active male. The term originated in Chicago and originally referred in a derogatory way to a young urban American man, typically single and in his twenties or early thirties. A Chad typically lives in the affluent North Shore suburbs of Chicago, but the term and these sexually active males have spread across the country.

Here’s Why I Refuse to Wear Your Mask

First off, I’m not a pussy who craves security over freedom. The great Mask Debate is a sequel to the 2001 Terrorism Debate. And after 9/11 Americans freely gave up their freedoms for security. The government had the P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Act ready to pass on September 12, 2001. They were waiting for the right crisis. Could we see a repeat of this in a new H.E.A.L.T.H. Act?

Eighty-two percent of registered voters in the July 26-27 survey said they'd support a national mandate to wear facial coverings, including 61 percent who "strongly" back the idea and 21 percent who "somewhat" support it.