Transgender Diversity Olympics in the Decline of America
How Many Chins Does Your Health Minister Have?
Gaze upon the face of American health. I think this is accurate. Good? No. Accurate? Yes. The great thing about Biden’s first Presidential foray into the diversity olympics, is how “Rachel” perfectly encapsulates the American health epidemic.
America is facing a health epidemic. Forget the scary pandemic for a while. If Covid were the real issue, Africa would be getting wrecked right now. But the media has been silent on this inconvenient truth.
America has an obesity epidemic. Our diet is subsidized corn, subsidized sugar and soda drinks large enough to sustain a large family of starving Africans. Big gulps huh?
Rachel Levine is the face of American Health
Now we enter a very stranger four years for America. A time when America will once again, decline. They say enjoy the decline. I say revolt.
Do not accept the decadence the media feeds you.
Do not accept the newspeak of the political outrage machine.
Do not accept the fat acceptance movement.
Don’t let Yourself Get Canceled
Now is time to ignore the politic. Turn off the television. Forget outrage. Chads rise above the noise.
So if you’re upset, then write about it. Post it anonymously or put it on paper. Whatever you do, do not engage in political conversation with coworkers or anyone you don’t trust. Stay stealth. Change the conversation.
Don’t let yourself get canceled.
Your Life is More Than Political Outrage
These people that bitched and moaned about Trump for 4 years? They are lowlives. They come to my site and complain. They laugh, but inside they cry. They are not happy and that is why they lash out.
Biden doesn’t worry me. He may close the gyms, but he can’t come for our gainz. We will workout in the sun. We will run. We will lift at home gym. He will not stop us.
Forget political outrage. Turn off the TV. Turn off phone notifications.
Go have a beer with your friends. Go talk to that pretty girl. Forget all this nonsense. And for the love of God, stop listening to that nonsense about masks. If they worked, we wouldn’t be dealing with this noise. Masking up is showing submission. Revolt.