Red Pill Duke is the site for the man who is fed up with the bullshit of modern life. Here i will spit some harsh truths. if youre overly sensitive like these soyboys, then leave now.

Why Am I Forever Alone?

Why Am I Forever Alone?

This defeatist attitude of expecting to never meet a nice girl is more common than you think. Even attractive and physically fit men find themselves asking “Why Am I Forever Alone?” The modern dating scene can be frustrating for anyone.

Some men may find that their lives are simpler and easier not having women in it. Is this how you want to live? There isn’t a wrong answer to that question, but don’t think that you are destined to be forever alone. I’m telling you that you can take control of your destiny. You can fix your odds and find girls out there. Whether you want them for a night or long-term.

Are You Even Trying?

I see with a lot of guys who say they can’t meet a nice girl are putting in either no effort or minimal effort. They’ll claim that there are no quality women out there or that they can’t meet any girls. Upon further digging, you’ll find these guys spend all of their free time playing video games, reading online forums and watching porn. None of these habits are gonna help you meet a nice girl.

You’re gonna end up a pudgy, pasty dude. You’re not gonna interact with real people, so this makes you socially awkward. And you aren’t doing anything interesting to better your social value or your conversational topics. Get out in the real world and find some hobbies that involve other people. Do this and watch your odds begin to change.

Fix Your Online Presence

If your social media presence is either non-existent or you LARPing as an anime character or some other fake bullshit, this hurts your odds. The world has entered the Matrix. Girls love Instagram and if they want to learn more about you, they’ll check out your social media presence. If you don’t have one, you’re at a disadvantage.

I know you think social media is lame, or its encouraging the surveillance state, or you think it’s vapid nonsense. But women think its interesting. That means you should think of it like your social resume. Get a flattering profile pic up for your Instagram and Facebook accounts. And start posting exciting and interesting posts every week or so.

You don’t have to login every day like an addict. But you should share the highlight reel of your life. Show that you have friends and that you hang out with them. Show pics of you hanging out with other girls. This is social proof that you’re not a closet psychopath. Post pics of your travels or fun events that you do. Anything is better than nothing where people will just assume the worst: That you’re boring.

You Can Become Better Looking

Its easy to admit defeat and say that you’re ugly, but this is a cop out. There are effective ways to improve your looks if you’re willing to work at it. For one, most guys need to either lose a few pounds, or put on muscle mass. Both of these will make your face look better as well as your body. Also consider fixing your diet. If you exist on a steady stream of Cheetos and Mountain Dew, this is bad for your health, your body and even your complexion. Eat healthy foods and drink water.

Some of you are attractive but you dress like shit. If you’re going out in public wearing superhero tees every day, you’re putting off an immature vibe. Invest in a couple of high-quality items that fit and let that become your standard outfit. Then pick out a few pieces to complement it. Pick colors that look good on you and clothes that fit. Most guys were loose baggy and unflattering clothing.

Your Height isn’t the Problem

Quit complaining that you’re too short and only tall guys get laid. This is a loser’s mindset and it’s not true. Plenty of shorter guys are getting laid every day. The biggest problem short guys have is the projection of their lack of confidence. Girls get a read on this quickly and it turns them off.

You can appear taller by walking upright. Wearing boots with a subtle lift. Key word being “subtle.” And avoiding shorts. Pants and shorter length jackets will help frame you better than say shorts or a long coat.

You Lack Confidence

This is the number one thing holding back all men who believe they’ll be forever alone. It’s also the hardest to fix, but its doable. First off, getting yourself in shape will do wonders for your confidence so start there. And updating your wardrobe should give you a sense of pride in your appearance. Now with these small tweaks, you’ll find friends and strangers will give you compliments. This will help boost your confidence.

And as you continue to put yourself out there with your hobbies and activities, you’ll interact socially more often. This will help you become more comfortable in social situations and build up that confidence even more.

You Fear Rejection

This is the biggest reason why guys don’t want to approach. They get tangled up in their head and talk themselves out of making a move. I’m not saying if you fix all of these issues, that you won’t get rejected. I’m telling you that when you feel better about yourself, you won’t care when girls reject you.

This is going to happen and with time, you’ll learn to brush it off. As your confidence grows, you’ll feel that it is her loss when she says no. And you can just move on to the next attractive girl. Learn to have a short memory here and to stop dwelling on the past. This is not just about approaching girls. Rejection is a part of life, and if you want to be successful, you’ll have to learn to brush off rejection.

If you’re ready to reinvent yourself, I have a recommendation for you. This ebook really helped me with some of my issues and by implementing its advice, I was more confident and motivated than ever. It’s advice is truly life-changing and it can help you too. Click here to Live Intentionally!

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