Red Pill Duke is the site for the man who is fed up with the bullshit of modern life. Here i will spit some harsh truths. if youre overly sensitive like these soyboys, then leave now.

20 Rules for the Bachelor Lifestyle

20 Rules for the Bachelor Lifestyle

You don’t want to end up like most men in life who settle down with a fat woman who resents you in a crappy house and driving a beat-up old minivan. If you’d rather live an exciting life of impulsive weekend trips, nights on the town and live in a delightfully tacky bachelor pad with a sports car, then you need to follow these rules to live the playboy lifestyle.


1) No marriage! - Modern marriage is slavery for men. Marriage crushes a man’s spirit, but divorce will bond you in chains of alimony. Even after she meets a new guy

2) Never spend more than $40 on a date. If you’re spending exorbitant amounts of money on early dates, you are communicating that you’re low value. This makes you look like you’re overcompensating because you think you have to buy her affection. You risk becoming the beta bucks

3) GTFO after 3 dates without sex. You need to respect your time. And if you can’t get laid after 3 dates, you are likely entering the friend zone. She should be craving you. She is probably looking for a long-term relationship. This is not the way of the bachelor

4) No lunch dates This sends a weird signal. You could be friends or coworkers just mingling. It doesn’t signal date. Also she’s more likely to be busy after the lunch date. This robs you of the opportunity to take her back to your place afterwards.

5) Leave if She Answers Phone During Date. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200. Just get up and walk away. Don’t even bother to say why. If she comes after you and asks what happen, say you only date girls with a minimum of social etiquette. Have some self-respect

6) Never Date Single Mothers. Nothing good comes of this. She will be desperate for a provider. Do not give in. She will suck your resources dry. You’ll be playing daddy. And you’ll have to deal with her ex and spoiler alert, “he’s a total asshole”

7) Never do what you don’t want to do. It’s your money so only go on dates that interest you. If you hate plays, why waste your time bc you think she would enjoy it. Find fun activities you both enjoy or find a girl who shares your interest. Life is short

8) Thursday - Saturday are off limits unless sex is guaranteed. You only get so much time off. These days are for hanging with your bro’s, your hobbies and playing video games. Save these days for sure things.

9) Don’t answer your phone on the weekend. You want to appear busy. You should be busy. Respond to texts if you want but don’t be too quick to respond.

10) Bail after 3 months No serious relationships. These are dream killers. She will want you to settle down. To stop taking risks. To stop hanging with your friends so much. To buy a sensible car with room for baby seats. This isn’t Iraq. Have an exit strategy

11) Christmas, New Years, Valentines Day and Birthdays are off limits. These events mean family and that means you’re getting too deep. Do you want to hear wedding bells in your future? Or do you want to have a fun fling.

12) Don’t play with her emotions. Only losers act like they want to marry the girl they just want to bang. Be honest. If you can’t bang her without being deceptive, you need to work on yourself first. Besides, this leads to girls getting pissed and fucking with your life

13) Don’t dip your pen in the company ink. This is meant to be a short term relationship right? So what happened after the break? You still work together. You’ll have to keep seeing her. And she might try and get you fired. Not worth the risk. Don’t shit where you eat

14) Use a condom every time. Be smart here. How would your life change if you had a kid to take care of? They’re expensive and time consuming. Are you ready? Use a condom every time. Flush it and use your own condom. Girls poke holes in condoms. It’s their lottery ticket

15) Your income reflects level of girl. This means if you make 6 gigs, you don’t get dirty with trailer trash. Have some self respect and aim for girls that have a similar drive and class as you. Girls who come from poverty will only see you as their ticket to a better life.

16) No voicemail. Have you seen Swingers? Don’t leave voicemails. Most girls don’t check them nowadays. You set yourself up for sounding desperate and weak. If she’s interested she will call back

17) Never call twice in a week. Let her call you back. If she won’t answer, she’s Probably ghosting you. Practice the abundance mindset and find another girl who is interested

18) Don’t double text. If she won’t respond to one text, what makes you think a second text will help? Quit being so desperate. Let her respond. Your text frequency and length should be about the same as hers.

19) Never ask women what they want. They don’t know Never EVER respond with “I don’t know. What do you want to do?” Women want a man that can lead. Make a decision and stick with it. Show confidence. She will be happy to follow your lead

20) Never sacrifice your true desires. Most girls in your life won’t be around for long

•Never give up lifelong friends for a girl

•Never give up career prospects for a girl

•Never give up on hobbies you enjoy for a girl

•Never do what you don’t want to do to make her happy

If you want to enjoy the fun life of a bachelor, then follow these rules. Print them off and put them where you will see them. And if you want more updates and sound advice, be sure to follow @RedPillDuke on Twitter.

This is the way of the bachelor.

If your life feels like a mess and you’re ready to stop wasting your days, I highly recommend this excellent book by Harsh Strongman. (LifeMathMoney) I bought this book and it helped me with positive habits like meditation, eating better and developing routines that have helped me become a better writer and ultimately make more money.

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