Red Pill Duke is the site for the man who is fed up with the bullshit of modern life. Here i will spit some harsh truths. if youre overly sensitive like these soyboys, then leave now.

Chad Blogger vs Virgin Journalist

Chad Blogger vs Virgin Journalist

Breaking News! Soft chinned journalists whine and whine over wrongthink on Chad Blogger’s Blog! Yesterday I was attacked on Twitter by @TakedownMRAs, a 28,000 follower account that chases down little bloggers and picks on them in front of their soft chinned audience of weash men while they guzzle a mixture of their girlfriend’s boyfriend’s jizz and soy. You see, when these guys get tired of watching a real man fuck their girlfriend, they cope by going online and picking on smaller accounts between alternating sessions of sissyporn and hateposting about Trump or “Fucking White Man"

“Orange Man Bad! White Man Bad!”

I’m not a so-called MRA, or Men’s Rights Activist, so I don’t know how they found me or why they targeted me. My site is still very new and mostly just experimental so they must look pretty hard to find sites like mine. And I had a pretty solid spike in web traffic yesterday thanks to these pencil necked soyboys. I’m grateful guys and gals and whatever gender you identify as. Truly.

I’m not really sure if @TakedownMRAs only focuses on MRAs as I’ve never heard of them, but the name implies this. Most MRAs are whiny losers so I don’t subscribe to the movement or whatever. I don’t really have any problems with the current rights of men. Is marriage a scam? Of course. So don’t get married. Problem solved. No need to become an “activist.”

They Lose Because They Focus On Hate

The only thing sadder than an being an MRA is obsessing over hating them. The problem with these guys is they define themselves by hating others rather than living their lives. I focused on making my own personal life better yesterday rather than obsess over some guy and his bulging muscles. This has been the problem the left has been dealing with for nearly 4 years now. They call themselves “RESISTERS” or “Anti-Drumpfes” or other dumb names. They’ve spent years letting Trump live rent free in their minds. Yesterday I Fight Club Theory lived rent free in there minds.

And me? Why would I care who’s President. Trump or Obama, my life has been pretty great under both of them. I don’t even care who wins the next election. Might be funny to watch Biden stumble over his words for a few years.

So what was my response to them? I just blocked @TakedownMRAs, muted the conversation and locked my account for the day. That way they had to search for my site on google, which they did, and help the SEO for my young website. Thanks anti-men mob. Your hatred fuels my fun little hobby.

The Chad Blogger.png

Chad Response to Virgin Journalist’s Orbiters?

Did I respond to their tweets complaining about my bulging muscles and disdain for coffee shop people? Nah. I simply muted the conversation. Closed down Twitter and went about my day. I don’t have notifications on either so I didn’t even think about what these lowlifes were tweeting about all day. I lifted weights, played a little Grand Theft Auto and then made some money trading crypto. Oh! And then I met up with a girl for a couple drinks at the bar.

Now that I think about it, it’s very ironic they made an entire account to harass MRAs that they don’t like. They make fun of me for spending a couple hours around coffee shop people who I generally don’t like. Why do I go there? To get coffee. Why do you build your identity around hating on MRAs? I don’t have an account called @TakedownCoffeeHipsters. Twitter won’t let me as its over 15 characters.

If you read my blog, you should just block this loser. He spends his life chasing down MRAs online and harasses them, critiquing their writing style and takes. His girlfriend probably cheats on him with men that aren’t allergic to the gym. And his cat is winning a dominance battle over who wets the bed more.


Another soft chinned writer for left wing propaganda piled on late in the day while I was outside living my life. This guy, David Futrelle, lets his cat sit on him while writing for left wing propaganda like WaPo, Salon and Huffpost. He looks exactly like you’d expect him too. Apparently these guys are so busy writing anti-white man hit pieces and going on cat food runs that they never even bothered to get a gym membership.

He had some sort of a response post to my early post. I didn’t click on it. I don’t know why these fragile soyboys took it as seriously as they did. Future writing may change, but I originally created this website as an experiment in SEO and blogging. I wanted to see what would happen if I hammered out a couple dozen blog posts in a month, and the results were spectacular. You can make fun of the typos or other issues, but if you want to get a website off the ground fast, write a bunch of content right away. Focus on quantity first and then follow it up with quality.

Ultimately, you’re going to be happier in life if you focus on getting jacked, talking to people in real life and pursuing your own hobbies. If you the only pussy you touch is your cat, the only people you talk to are twitter accounts and your diet is pure soy, you’re gonna have a bad time. There’s nothing wrong with being male and trust me, the girls are starved for men who behave like men.

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Should You Date a Girl Who Comes from Poverty?

Marriage is A Scam

Marriage is A Scam