Red Pill Duke is the site for the man who is fed up with the bullshit of modern life. Here i will spit some harsh truths. if youre overly sensitive like these soyboys, then leave now.

12 Red Pill Quotes From The Rational Male

12 Red Pill Quotes From The Rational Male

Rollo Tomassi is the Godfather of the Red Pill. He has laid the groundwork of so many brilliant concepts on inter gender dynamics. His best selling book, The Rational Male, has saved countless lives. Check out some of the harsh truths below.

  1. “Generations of men, raised to be oblivious toit, willingly and actively help perpetuate the Soul-Mate Myth.”

  2. “In any relationship, the person with the most power is the one who needs the other the least.”

  3. “My intent in promoting this Rule (quote #2) is to open the eyes of young men who are already predisposed to devaluing themselves and placing women as the goal of their lives rather than seeing themselves as the prize to be sought after.”

  4. “There’s nothing wrong with backing down from an argument you have with your girlfriend, but there is something wrong when you continually compromise yourself in order to ‘keep the peace’ with the understanding that she’ll withhold intimacy as a result of you holding your ground. That is a power play, also known as a ‘shit test.’

  5. “There is no more a superior confidence for a man than one with the self-understanding that he will not compromise himself for the recognized manipulations of a woman, and the fortitude to walk away knowing he has in the past, and will in the future find a better prospect than her.”

  6. “Real power is the degree to which a person has control over their own circumstances. Real power is the degree to which we actually control the directions of our lives.”

  7. “It’s a tragic miscalculation on our part to think of personality as static, unchangeable or to question the ingenuousness of that change, but more tragic is the doubting of ourselves for that change.”

  8. “One simple truism that a lot of people love to use as their convenient escape clause is the JBY (Just Be Yourself) notion. This of course is just what ones say as advice when they really don’t know what else to say.”

  9. “You are not Alpha because of your achievements, you have achievements because you are Alpha.”

  10. “The common trope that women do the sexual selecting is false - it’s just that men’s side of the sexual selections equation is a threat to feminine primacy in sexual selection. The latent purpose of social conventions that sublimate men’s sexual choosing are designed to put selections of intimacy on a conditional basis that favors women, and as long as men internalize this women will have a preconstructed social high-ground.”

  11. “A truly powerful man jealously guards his most precious resources; his independence and his ability to maneuver. In other words his options and his ability to exercise them. True power isn’t about controlling others, but the degree to which you can control the course of your own life and your own choices.”

  12. “You need to get off the internet and field test the theories you learn here and elsewhere. Whether that means going to approach women at the clubs, or adopting a new attitude with your wife, or even the women you deal with at work, it’s really up to you. The hardest part of practicing change is the initial shock of having the people who know you question the validity of the new you.”

These are simply a few of the gems found in the first Rollo Tomassi book, The Rational Male. This book will change your life and just like Neo in the Matrix, once you read this book, there will be no going back. But you will be a better and stronger man having read it.

If you want to learn more about The Red Pill, you can start by following me on Twitter here: @RedPillDuke

Buy The Rational Male here

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