Did I Waste My Time With Her?
You are going to put your time and energy into roads that ultimately lead to a dead end. Sad fact of life. In fact, this is a red pill. You’ll find that The Red Pill has largely been coopted by pickup artists and money hungry gooroos. There’s a lot more to The Red Pill and this site will be delving into these topics for further dissection.
Did You Waste Your Time With Her?
You’ll often here people complain about a relationship that soured. They’ll complain that they wasted all their time to end up with nothing. First off, this completely discounts the times that were good. And second, it fails to account for the lessons learned.
Even if the relationship went poorly, caused you stress and ultimately went nowhere, this is still massively better than forcing it to work. Would you rather be mildly inconvenienced by breaking up with a girl who wasn’t right for you? Or would you rather stick it out, suffer through the relationship and then break it up in a divorce?
Be happy all you lost was a little time. Don’t waste more time dwelling on what you’ve already lost.
Don't Sweat Life's Dead End Roads
Whether its your relationship with your girl or a job that ultimately didn’t go anywhere, you’re going to have dead ends. If you’re lucky, you learned something in the process. And if that happened, then it wasn’t a complete waste of time.
I once worked a salaried job and was tasked to work 24 straight days without a break. I did this because I was young and money hungry. My beliefs at the time were that my hard efforts would pay off in the long run. I was working literally from sun up to sun down. The only time I ever got outside to enjoy the sun was when I took a cigarette break. I wasn’t even a smoker but I needed time away from work or I’d go crazy.
So at the end of the year, not only did I not get a little bonus, or bump in pay for this hard work. I wasn’t even remembered. My boss, the company, no one said a thing. No one offered anything. Basically I just gave away my limited time for a blood sucking corporation. Complete waste of time….. except for one thing.
I learned something in the process. This was my corporate red pill. Your employer doesn’t really care about you. In all liklihood, he doesn’t even think about you unless you can provide value. This isn’t a big deal. Accept that its true and move on with your life. But when Lumberg comes up asking your to work weekends, tell him no. Its not your job description and you work long enough hours.
Closing Thoughts
Ultimately this all comes down to the fact that you need to find ways to become independent. If you work for someone, if you depend on someone, if you rely on someone, you’re vulnerable to having your time wasted on these deadend roads. And though, it likely isn’t the worst experience you can have, you need to build your own road. Learn to become comfortable with your solitude. Develop your own income streams. Seek your own independence.