Red Pill Duke is the site for the man who is fed up with the bullshit of modern life. Here i will spit some harsh truths. if youre overly sensitive like these soyboys, then leave now.

Online Anonymity Leads to Real Honest Truth

Online Anonymity Leads to Real Honest Truth


If someone is wearing a mask online, they are more likely to be open and honest with you. Its those who show their face that have to play a character to fit into social conventions.

In the days of cancel culture, this is more accurate than ever before. Self-censorship is on the rise. The technocommunists want to create a utopia while shouting fascist or racist at anyone who doesn’t fit into their childlike view of the future. They think silence is progress, but nothing good comes from lack of communication. This breeds discontent.

This is why I write under the name, Red Pill Duke. In today’s day and age, there is little to gain in showing your face. There’s plenty of people online who’ve made a name for themselves behind the profile picture of a video game character or some other piece of pop culture. At this point, what difference does it make?

I’m of the age where it seems normal to talk under a pseudonym. Growing up in the AOL Instant Messenger era. (AIM) I remember as a kid hanging out at my friends house late at night. The internet was in its infancy but it was so raw and exciting. After a couple hours of playing Counter Strike (THE ORIGINAL COUNTER STRIKE) we found ourselves getting into the typical mischief that 5th grade boys do.

We looked for girls online. A time-honored tradition. I remember while playing virtual pool games we’d chat up randos. ASL was how every game would start. The pool was fun but it was a front for social interaction. 18/F/Ca was the most sought after and thus the most common lie by fat dweebs or underage dorks in locked basement rooms. I often wonder how many dudes jacked it to other dudes while pretending to be lesbians from California. The 90s were lit.

Maybe this isn’t the best argument for anonymity. The point being, that on AIM, you made up some username to talk under. It was the original social media and it paved the way for Facebook, Twitter and all the other dopamine distribution vessels.

Those blue check assholes don’t like anonymity. They claim that because a few anons are nzbois or some other boogeyman, that all anons are a threat to modern society. These are the same people who celebrate their abortions as female empowerment. Hypocritic Satan worshipers.

Anonymity is a derivative of free speech and thus, we all deserve the right to choose how we communicate online. The real problem isn’t the minority of assholes who troll people online. The real problem is the victim mentality that seeks attention and meaning in their otherwise safe and pointless life.

And when something you say online can be used to not only get you fired, but to lose future job prospects, then what choice do people have? This is social bullying. They mean to silence the opposition so that their can be no argument. Why? Because the 2016 election of Donald Trump was so upsetting to these liberal elites, that they mean to cheat. In their mind, the ends justify the means.

So to prevent tyranny, they will become tyrants…

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